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Maine Mariner Training


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Basic First Aid | First Time & Renewal Cost: $125.00

Our Basic First Aid Course is taught off the American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI) standards. This class will give students the ability to provide an assessment and interventions with minimal medical equipment to help the patient till more qualified medical personnel arrive. Any student who successfully completes this course will be issued an ASHI certification card.


CPR for the Community & Work Place | First Time & Renewal Cost: $55

This CPR course is taught off the American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI) standards. The goal of this class is to teach the student basic CPR skills, automated external defibrillator (AED) use and foreign body airway obstructions management. Any student who successfully completes this course will be issued an ASHI certification card.

Basic Life Support | Cost: $85

This course is for those individuals who are entering a medical profession or are currently in a medical profession and need to renew their skills. This course covers CPR, AED use, foreign body airway obstructions and scene management. Any student who successfully completes this course will be issued an ASHI certification card.


​​Blended Basic First Aid | First Time & Renewal Cost: $125.00

Our Basic First Aid Course is taught off the American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI) standards. This class will give students the ability to provide an assessment and interventions with minimal medical equipment to help the patient till more qualified medical personnel arrive.

This class combines online classroom training with in person practical to meet the requirements. The major of the course is done online then students schedule a time with one of our instructors to complete the course. Any student who successfully completes this course will be issued an HSI certification card.


Blended Basic Life Support | Cost: $85

This course is for those individuals who are entering a medical profession or are currently in a medical profession and need to renew their skills. This course covers CPR, AED use, foreign body airway obstructions and scene management.


This class combines online classroom training with in person practical to meet the requirements. The major of the course is done online then students schedule a time with one of our instructors to complete the course. Any student who successfully completes this course will be issued an HSI certification card.


Blended CPR for the Community & Work Place | First Time & Renewal Cost: $55

This CPR course is taught off the American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI) standards. The goal of this class is to teach the student basic CPR skills, automated external defibrillator (AED) use and foreign body airway obstructions management. Any student who successfully completes this course will be issued an ASHI certification card.

This class combines online classroom training with in person practical to meet the requirements. The major of the course is done online then students schedule a time with one of our instructors to complete the course. Any student who successfully completes this course will be issued an HSI certification card.


Bloodborne Pathogens | Cost: $85

2.5 days

Perhaps no other profession is more at risk of the hazards posed by bloodborne pathogens (BBP) than the medical profession, but that’s not to say that awareness and prevention measures shouldn’t be prevalent in all workplaces, because the price of ignorance can be very costly and simple understanding of some bloodborne pathogen basics, really can save lives. With the key learning objectives being.

-Explain how bloodborne pathogens are transmitted and the risks they present

-Identify techniques that you and your employer can use to prevent exposures to bloodborne pathogens

-List the actions you should take if you suspect you may have been exposed to a bloodborne pathogen


Wilderness First Aid | Cost: $375.00

The Wilderness First Aid training course is intended for individuals that are not health care providers or professional rescuers but desire or are required to be certified in wilderness first aid knowledge and skills. Certification in Adult CPR and AED is required as a pre-requisite for this program.


Advanced First Aid | Cost: $425.00

The Advanced First Aid training course is intended to is designed to fill the knowledge and skill gap between basic first aid training and the Emergency Medical System. Non-EMS personnel who benefit from this training include public and private safety, security, life guards, coaches, and business emergency response teams. Basic First Aid and CPR are pre-requisite for this program.


Custom Classes

 Don’t see a course that meets your companies training needs give us a call. We are happy to deliver custom trainings for your workplace or organization at your location or ours. Please call 207-380-4661 or email with questions or to set up training.

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